In Acts 13, Paul makes his first missionary journey passing through Derbe and Lystra. On his second missionary journey, while passing through the same cities, he hears reports about a young disciple named Timothy. Paul took Timothy in and made him a member of his travel companions in the preaching of the Gospel. Throughout the Pauline Corpus, we see the progress and development of Paul’s relationship with Timothy. We see him grow from a travel companion to a troubleshooter for the apostle, appointing leaders and setting things right in the church at Ephesus.
In 1 Timothy, Paul calls him “my true son in the faith”; and in 2 Timothy, “my beloved child”. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he says of Timothy, “… I have no one like-minded… but you know his proven conduct, that as a son with his father, he served with me in the Gospel… ”(Philippians 2:20-22).
The Timothy Project is a disciple-making ministry that seeks to train and disciple young believers and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge that will make them function as worthy ambassadors and disciple makers in their community and in the body of Christ. It is my conviction that Paul’s relationship with Timothy provides for us the template for our disciple making efforts.
Is to raise young Christian leaders and thinkers who are committed to the great commission.
Is to present every man and woman to God in a state of maturity (Colossians 1:28). To do this, we organize outreach programs, classroom sessions, provide insightful content and give participants the room to express their ministry gifts.

Bethmound Mensah
President of the Timothy Project